Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert

Is it worth consulting a Life Coach?

Is it worth the money and time? Is it effective?

Will I be able to achieve what I haven’t been able to in the last many years?

These are some questions that generally pop into our minds when we are in a dilemma, whether to consult a life coach or not. 

We might take a back step if we do not have the right information and knowledge. It is always wise to decide weighing pros and cons and not getting overwhelmed by some factors ignorantly.  It also depends on how willing are you to change your life, how willing are you to take the necessary steps, how willing are you to live a life that we always dreamt of. If you are passionate and sincere towards your success then only a life coach can explore the aspects of your life and propel you to your aspirations.

A Life Coach can push you, guide you, and show you the path, it is you who have to walk the path. While hiring a coach can be a powerful solution to help you manifest your goals, it’s not a magic fix. It depends on your sincerity and passion too.  It depends on how willing you are to walk the path of success. Hiring a coach is likely not worth the money if all you want is someone to listen to your problems. Life coaching is action-oriented. The real value of having a coach is helping you to achieve what you want. And here are a few reasons among many why it may be worth consulting a Life Coach.

1. Set priorities and goals-

We might have sets of goals in our lives, we also might have a strategy but what most of us lack is the right approach. There are many ways to get there. But along with that comes many distractions that are hard to ignore and they act as a hindrance and if we stumble, we lose.  

A life coach helps us prioritize our energies towards what is serving us and what is not. It is very crucial to identify energy drainers and energy gainers. Otherwise, the effort we are putting in goes away in vain.   

A life coach will accompany you to design your goals and strategies and in an achievable and realistic way. Goals will be realistic and upon achieving them, we will feel an urge of inner motivation and that will drive us to strive for the best.

2. A New Perspective

We tend to see the world around us with what we know, with a certain belief system, and what is already embedded in ourselves. We don’t tend to doubt or question our beliefs because they become a way of our lives. The same thing, person, or situation is perceived differently by different individuals. 

 So, what is necessary is to have the right perspective and that can come through guidance. A life coach opens up whole new possibilities for us and broadens our narrow and limited perspective towards everything. They see full possibilities for us.  

They help us break free of our old habits and perception, introduces us to new ideas, new insight, and the most crucial, a new life. We need to unlearn some things, habits, and beliefs to bring the required desired change. 

A new perspective will help us analyze situations better and improve our decision-making ability. We will not react to the situations but wisely act upon them.

3. Time is Money

We have been hearing this since our childhood that ‘Time is Money’. It really is and in fact, it is more than that. We cannot save time for the future, we cannot borrow it from the future, the present is what we have, it is the only possibility. So, it is to be used very judiciously.  

We may decide to read self-help books, listen to podcasts, search for different strategies, create plans, we try to figure it on our own. if something does not work, we will amend it and look for a different path. The amount of time and energy that is used is enormous. And if instead we know the right path, and put that energy into it then we would be far from where we were earlier.  

Let’s take an example, if we have to understand a new concept of math or solve a problem, we might understand it or solve that problem on our own, right? But if we would have taken someone’s help, we might have solved it in less time. This is the work of a teacher, a mentor, and a Life Coach. They will not solve it for you but they will show you the way as to how to approach the solution. This will save effort and time.  

A life coach will work with you, tailor your strategies in less time. So, consulting a life coach is both efficient and effective. Working with a coach expedites growth.

4. Accountability

Accountability increases the chances of completing the task manifolds. If we are not answerable, if we are not accountable and if we are not responsible, and if we have something to blame upon i.e., Destiny we will not succeed in achieving the way we want our lives to be. We need someone who is by our sides, reminding us every time we become tepid. We want a Life Coach who will guide us and pick us up when we want to give up. They constantly check if we are taking action or not and if we are not taking any, they will counsel us. 

5. Motivation

While moving forward we have plenty of opportunities to choose to stop, give up, get distracted. But a Life Coach helps you stay motivated and empowers you to stay committed. Life Coach teaches perseverance, determination, and persistence. If we ever feel stuck, a Life coach will come and rescue us. They will remind us of our ‘Why’ we started in the first place. They help us live our passion and motivates us to live with purpose. 

In the end, consulting a Life Coach is a life-changing decision. It is worth the time and money. Investing in yourself should be the topmost priority if you want to create the life you want. If you want to see the change, you must act upon it. Change won’t come itself, you will have to push yourself. Otherwise, doing what you have been doing will not change what you have been receiving or experiencing. 

Give it a thought, think for a second, are you truly happy and content with your life, or do you need some guidance and support?

Having Ashwani Deswal as your life coach can not only help you identify what you really want but also create a personal plan that helps you find success.


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About Ashwani Deswal

Ashwani Deswal is the best Life coach & corporate trainer in India. He is an author, Wellness Coach & Mindfulness Expert. He has served 100,000+ people from more than 112 countries and empowered them to create the results and changes they want in their personal and professional lives.

He has rich experience in the line of Life Coaching, Corporate Training, Wellness, Mindfulness & Leadership Development Training using which he helps people to bring a wholistic transformation in their lives. Being a Mindfulness coach, he uses various modalities to restore harmony & balance in people’s lives & empowers them to create health, happiness & success (Overall well-being).

How does Life Coaching work?
Life Coaching with an expert life coach is a structured process of figuring out who you are and what you want, what obstacles have been holding you back, learning what to do to overcome them, taking positive actions to create the result you want in your life. Take Life coaching/ performance coaching from the best Life coach & corporate trainer in India – Ashwani Deswal
How is Personal Life Coaching different from counselling?
One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy/counselling in disguise — or that it is therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. In reality, life coaching is truly its own unique service designed to help ambitious achievers meet the outcomes that will bring them success and fulfilment, in any and all areas of life.

The idea behind counselling is to focus on past traumas and issues to change self-destructive habits, repair and improve relationships and work through painful feelings. In this sense, counselling focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis, with the hope of resolving past issues and creating a better future.

In life coaching, a client works with a coach, who is not a healthcare professional, in order to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviours in order to create action plans to achieve desired results. A life coach enables the person receiving treatment to take charge of their life and take action to steer it toward their goals.

What sorts of people have a Personal Life Coach?
Every type of individual can take life coaching. The only common traits these people have is the desire to transform their lives so they are happier and living live 100%
How to find the best Life Coach?
You would need to do your research. Quora is a good platform to see what other people think and know. What you are looking for is already asked by someone there and experts have answered. The best performance coaching is provided by one of the top Life coaches- Ashwani Deswal. Ashwani Deswal & his team can provide you with the tools and wisdom to transform self and create success and wellness in your life
Why do you need a life coach?

Life coaching is about looking at where you are now and where you want to be in each area of your life. You need a life coach to help you explore and set goals in these areas as well as help you achieve them..

A good Life coach is an expert in follow-through. He understands human behaviour and why it is so hard. He knows exactly how to help you work through it. Getting started on goals, staying motivated, dealing with outer and inner challenges such as fear of failure that get in the way of you reaching your goals are where a life coach helps.

A life coach can help you clear your head and take the big decisions of your life, to help you see a solution when you can’t’ see by yourself.

A great Life coach also improves confidence and self-esteem, empower you to increase life satisfaction and happiness levels, lowers stress levels and have a more balanced life. This increases energy, productivity, brings passion and focus to all of your future endeavours and relationships.


How many Life Coaching sessions will I need?
This depends on what you want to achieve with your coaching. Most people come to a Personal Coach with a life-changing goal in mind. It is best to take 1 session first in which you uncover where you are and where you want to be. You Life coach would suggest the number of sessions you should take. It is a very personal decision based on your individual goal.

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Every individual and situation is unique so you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner before undertaking any of the recommendations, protocols, techniques, exercises described herein. Voyage to the betterment and the author expressly disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein. We are not a medical service or suicide prevention helpline. If you are feeling suicidal, we would suggest you immediately call up a suicide prevention helpline or seek medical help.


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