Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert
What is the Source of Anger ?
I have a question for you.
When you squeeze an orange,
what comes out of it?
Apple juice, papaya juice, orange juice isn’t it ?
What is inside comes outside. I have another question for you.
Let’s say this time you don’t squeeze it.
Your brother squeezes it, or sister, mother, father, your boss, boyfriend, girlfriend. No matter who squeezes it still orange juice comes out. Isn’t it?
Because what is inside comes outside. Same goes with the life. Most of the people are struggling and suffering to overcome the anger. There is a reason behind that. If you ask them why you are angry and the reply comes like this “because my husband doesn’t understand me, it’s my father, it’s my mother, it’s my life situation, it’s my family.
- They are always pointing outside. Blaming outside.
Can you see all these are different mediums to squeeze you but eventually what comes out of you is within you.
Understand it this way- let’s say you are searching for a key outside of your home and I appear and I ask you hey! What are you doing ? You say you are looking for a key. I ask you where did you loose it, you say in my bedroom. Can you see, you can never see the key in your life ? Not because there is no key, not because you cannot see but because you are looking for something outside which is present inside.
Hence realizing that you are the source of anger is the very first step. Only after this something can be taught to you, something can be shown to you. Else even somebody appears in your life to show you how to transform anger you will miss it.
Because still you are outside your home. Fixing others, blaming others. With this blog you have taken the very first step that is realization that you are the source of anger.
Ensure next time when somebody appears in your life to show you how to transform anger, you must know where to focus: on you or others. You must know the key of transformation is not outside, it’s inside.
Thank you