Do you need a Life Coach? Find out
Most of the time we find ourselves stuck as to what and how to proceed further in our career and in our personal lives. We seek advice generally from friends and family and nowadays, we Google everything. But we tend to forget that it is our life and one wrong decision can turn things upside down. Instead of looking for the right guidance here and there we should seek an expert’s opinion, that of a Life Coach.
People shy away from a Life Coach and they tend to be sceptical about it for various reasons. They have doubts back in their mind whether or not Life Coaching will work, will they get desired results or not.
Life Coach, unlike a therapist, focuses on the present, on areas you should work upon, will guide you throughout. Life coach is literally a coach for life. As we need mentors and teachers academically, just like athletes and sportspersons need a coach, we all require a life coach for various reasons. Life Coaching with an expert life coach is a structured process of figuring out who you are and what you want, what obstacles have been holding you back, learning what to do to overcome them, taking positive actions to create the result you want in your life.
We tend to lose our focus and faith in our abilities, we start questioning our capabilities, Life Coach helps to reinstall faith in oneself, and helps broaden our perspectives, we get caught up in negative loop of emotions and negative feedback mechanism and this is where Life Coach comes to our rescue, helps us rise above all the setbacks and past which holds us to grow. It is really necessary to break the old pattern which hampers our growth and this can be only done through right guidance and knowledge of an expert. Besides this, it is also important to know where we are going wrong. We can’t expect different results and outcomes by doing the same things again and again, by making the same mistakes again and again. So, identification of the problem along with the right solution is very crucial. Anyone, a student who is unsure and uncertain and worried about future, a working professional who wants to excel, a businessman who wants to grow his business leaps and bounds, anybody who wants to maximise their potential and anyone who wants to add value to their lives and as well as to the lives of people around them can benefit from a life coach.
- Provides a new perspective
- Strengthens our core values and helps us improve wherever it is necessary
- Becomes a source of motivation and constant encouragement
- Helps us realize our potential
- Acts as a support system which is most required when we feel low and helpless
- Brings back the work life balance which creates overall harmony in our lives
- Challenges to overcome any kind of fear and nudges one to live an extraordinary life
- Makes us commit to our goals and provides many tools and techniques to achieve them
- Makes us strong both mentally and emotionally
- Brings the confidence to deal with any kind of situation
- Brings a clarity as to what we want and what we do not want, what is necessary and what is not, what is serving us and what is not
- Helps gain the clarity of the purpose and attaches a more deep and meaningful purpose to our actions
- Transform our energies for a greater good
- Fosters connections in our personal and professional lives
- Helps one to calibrate their long term and short term goals.
If you are not happy about your life, if you want to achieve more, if you want to overcome your fears, if you feel stuck, if you want an advancement and if you want to upgrade your life to a more happy and fulfilled technology, Life Coach is the answer. A life coach will listen to you without going into a judgement zone, analyse your situation and then accordingly work with you step by step. If you have a desire to change, you will definitely bring a change.
Having Ashwani Deswal as your life coach can not only help you identify what you really want, but also create a personal plan that helps you find success.
Book a 60 min orientation session
About Ashwani Deswal
He has rich experience in the line of Life Coaching, Corporate Training, Wellness, Mindfulness & Leadership Development Training using which he helps people to bring a wholistic transformation in their lives. Being a Mindfulness coach, he uses various modalities to restore harmony & balance in people's lives & empowers them to create health, happiness & success (Overall well-being).
How does Life Coaching work?
How is Personal Life Coaching different from counselling?
The idea behind counselling is to focus on past traumas and issues to change self-destructive habits, repair and improve relationships and work through painful feelings. In this sense, counselling focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis, with the hope of resolving past issues and creating a better future.
In life coaching, a client works with a coach, who is not a healthcare professional, in order to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviours in order to create action plans to achieve desired results. A life coach enables the person receiving treatment to take charge of their life and take action to steer it toward their goals.
What sorts of people have a Personal Life Coach?
How to find the best Life Coach?
Why do you need a life coach?
Life coaching is about looking at where you are now and where you want to be in each area of your life. You need a life coach to help you explore and set goals in these areas as well as help you achieve them..
A good Life coach is an expert in follow-through. He understands human behaviour and why it is so hard. He knows exactly how to help you work through it. Getting started on goals, staying motivated, dealing with outer and inner challenges such as fear of failure that get in the way of you reaching your goals are where a life coach helps.
A life coach can help you clear your head and take the big decisions of your life, to help you see a solution when you can't' see by yourself.
A great Life coach also improves confidence and self-esteem, empower you to increase life satisfaction and happiness levels, lowers stress levels and have a more balanced life. This increases energy, productivity, brings passion and focus to all of your future endeavours and relationships.
How many Life Coaching sessions will I need?
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Every individual and situation is unique so you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner before undertaking any of the recommendations, protocols, techniques, exercises described herein. Voyage to the betterment and the author expressly disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein. We are not a medical service or suicide prevention helpline. If you are feeling suicidal, we would suggest you immediately call up a suicide prevention helpline or seek medical help.