Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert

BE The Color of The DIVINE

Only the one who is completely involved taste the evolvement in life.


If you live the life as a whole (mind, body and soul in sync) only than you can be HOLY. Being WHOLE and HOLY gives birth to the greatest quality of living and possibility of BEING WHOLLY (whole + Holy) in life.

Like all the festivals HOLI also reminds us something,
something we have forgotten that WE can fill our lives with COLORS.

And if today we can CELEBRATE what was wrong with yesterday?
And what may be wrong with tomorrow?

Festival HOLI creates a feasible environment to be WHOLE and then HOLI is not too far to give birth to WHOLLY YOU.

If you carefully observe you will see – your sufferings are either of past or imaginations of future .When you are completely here, when you are whole – no part of you is in past or future –You arrive in Present – you tune yourself to experience the life deeply and you can’t miss the bliss of being celebration in life.

Remember, each day holds equal potentiality and opportunity to BE A CELEBRATION. Just see the Nature around and you will be surprised –EXISTENCE is enjoying HOLI every day.

In nature the colors appear and disappear. They glow and flow afresh every day. NEW flowers open each morning with colorful Clothes and to REMIND YOU – with FRAGRANCE of LIFE.

Even before the old leaves fall, the new buds are opening and the new shoots are rising up. The FESTIVAL does not stop even for a moment.

INVOKE in YOU the PLAYFULNESS of Adding Colors to LIVES.
INVITE you to BE the LIFE which is ONE with the ONENESS of DIVINE COLORS of Love, Laughter, Compassion, Kindness and JOY.

I BOW to the “Potentiality in YOU” – to BE the COLOR of the DIVINE.
to the Ability in YOU – to travel from
HOLI—> HOLY—> WHOLLY YOU in life.  BE Wholly – BE the Color of DIVINE

Ashwani Deswal