Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert

8 simple ways to have great relationship

Many of my clients in 1-on-1 Coaching sessions and Workshops on Relationship ask me Ashwani  – “I want my partner to be caring, loving, should do this for me, to be like this, behave this way and so on …what I shall do to accomplish it? Well, you need to understand this – If you are having or planning to be in a Relationship to have, gain or expect to receive something, FOR SURE you will have SERIES of Problems in this Journey. The very fundamental to have a successful and enriching relationship is the Realization that IT IS THE PLACE to GO and GIVE Not the PLACE to GO and GET Ensure you are taking conscious steps and actions by these 8 simple ways to have a great relationship.

Remember you are in it TOGETHER. See Yourself as ONE TEAM. This sense of oneness will give birth to the trust that you have someone with you in all the situations and circumstances of your life. Replace, “You really need to be productive,” with “How can I help you to be more productive?” Be ONE to have the FUN.

Great listening skill is extremely vital for a healthy relationship. In fact it has been found to be the common quality in the most successful and lasting relationships all over the world. Listen with an intent to understand not to reply.

One of the greatest reasons many relationships never start or seize to breathe because of the assumptions and imagination that my partner understands me, will know what I want to say, convey or ask. Hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. Not expressing yourself is similar to clogged bathroom drain. Give voice to your feelings, emotions and make sure they reach to your partner. Express Effectively

People who respect each other not only trust and support each other but also value each other. Respecting each other creates an environment which facilitates freedom of expression and decision making.

You have probably heard it: “He did that. She said this. It’s not my fault.” The blame game is a way to avoid taking responsibility of unfavourable situations and circumstances in life. We are not here to Compete, We are here to Complete and Complement each other.

You must consistently check in with your partner to understand what he/she wants. If you want a passionate relationship, DESIGN IT – DEVELOP IT. Don’t live in the past of what was once beautiful. Create your present. Beautiful relationship is the resultant of consistent result oriented actions.

Is it not funny if an orange expects apple to be juicy like it !!!! No two persons experience the life in same way. We all are UNIQUE. It is one of the most fascinating things that we have different likes, dislikes, dreams, characteristics and so on. One of the deepest need of human heart is to be accepted and valued. Wouldn’t it be most liberating and empowering feeling for you to know that your partner accepts you fully for the way you are? We should have tremendous acceptance of all the beings in our lives the way they are. Seek for connection not perfection.

Do you really need a special occasion to remind each other how much you really care? Shouldn’t every day be special? EVERYDAY in EVERYWAY take conscious Actions to Energize your relationship to take it to NEXT LEVEL. When you Move from what you can take out from your partner to what you can offer, share and give. You start enhancing quality of your relationship and life. Wishing You great relationship full of joy, passion and love.

Your Complete PRESENCE is the ESSENCE Of the fulfilling Relationship”
~ Ashwani Deswal