Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert

8 Rituals to be an Achiever and Winner in life

Do you find that you reach so close to your goals and miss them ? Or

Do you find that you are not able to follow through to reach to your destination ?

I have written something for you

1. Intention: Choose to operate with the intention to Serve and Share.

2. Challenge the way you worked yesterday to take it Higher than ever before.

3. Release all the excuses that hold you back and take your focus on the reasons why you must accomplish what you wish to.

4. Attitude: Work with an attitude of a Solution Seeker in a way that motivates you and inspire others

5.  Introspect: Everyday make time to sit with yourself and to introspect on the purpose and approach you have towards your goal.

6. Learn the Lessons— In life you don’t fail when you fall You fail when you refuse to get up In fact in life there are no failures only lessons Learning from situations you encounter in life Acts as a strong foundation to success you are looking for. 
7. Be consistent in anticipating, adapting and acting to create the results you want in your life. 
8. Work on self  You don’t get what you want You get who you are Invest your time, energy and money In working on your craft In training and coaching yourself To gain expertise in whichever field you want to excel

Every master was a student. Every 1000 mile journey starts with first step

Take a first step today
Take actions to achieve things you want to have, be and do.

I see a Winner in you.
Wish you Intelligence and Integrity to keep Going and Growing in life ahead.


Ashwani Deswal