Best Corporate Wellness Program in Pune

Best Employee wellness provider in Pune

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is running a race, the importance of health and wellness cannot be overlooked. The corporate sector, especially, is witnessing a surge in awareness of the significance of employee wellness. Employees are the backbone of any organization, and their well-being directly affects their productivity, engagement, and retention. Hence, corporate wellness initiatives have become a priority for many organizations.

To make the most of these initiatives, organizations need the guidance of experts who can help them design and implement effective wellness programs. This is where Ashwani Deswal, the best corporate wellness coach in Pune, comes into the picture. With his expertise in wellness and mindfulness, Ashwani has been helping organizations transform their wellness game and create a healthier, happier, and more engaged workforce.

Let’s delve deeper into the world of corporate wellness and explore how Ashwani Deswal’s workshops can benefit your organization.

What are the Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs?

Corporate wellness workshops are an effective way to educate and engage employees in wellness activities. These workshops can be designed to meet the specific needs of an organization and can be customized based on the employee demographics, budget, and goals.

Here are some of the benefits of corporate wellness workshops:

Increased Employee Engagement

Employees who feel supported by their organization are more engaged and committed to their work. Corporate wellness workshops show that the organization cares about their employees' well-being, which in turn, fosters a sense of loyalty and engagement.

Improved Physical Health

Corporate wellness workshops can include activities such as fitness programs, yoga, and meditation, which can help employees improve their physical health. A healthy workforce is more productive, has better morale, and takes fewer sick days.

Reduced Stress

Stress is a major contributor to employee burnout, absenteeism, and turnover. Corporate wellness workshops can help employees learn effective stress management techniques, which can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Enhanced Mental Health

Mental health is a growing concern in today's workplace. Corporate wellness workshops can provide employees with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health effectively. This, in turn, can improve productivity and engagement.

What Leaders are saying…

He made me realize my hidden capabilities. He has changed the way I see life. The wellness & Mindfulness tools and wisdom shared has transformed my life. His way of training is very unique. Sir broke my limitations and brought clarity of mind.

Mansi Manchanda

Asst. Manager, American Express

Not only my health improved considerably but also I am performing well in my company after taking corporate wellness sessions from Sir. The kind of energies I felt inside me was like never before. Every cell of the body feels relaxed & rejuvenated.

Archit Takyar


Corporate wellness sessions with Ashwani Deswal sir are very unique. I attended “Energize yourself” and found it to be thrilling, absolutely thrilling! When we meditate, I can feel the vibrations coming in. I felt energized & recharged. It is an amazing experience.

Pranay Kaul

Executive Manager, Oracle Finance

Best Corporate Wellness Workshops in Pune

Now that you know the benefits of corporate wellness programs, let’s explore the best workshops and programs offered by Ashwani Deswal in Pune. Whether you’re looking for one-time workshops or long-term programs, Ashwani Deswal has a range of solutions to meet your company’s unique needs and goals. Here are some of the most popular corporate wellness workshops and programs by Ashwani Deswal

In conclusion, the importance of corporate wellness cannot be overstated. Employee well-being directly impacts an organization’s productivity, engagement, and retention. Corporate wellness workshops are an effective way to engage employees in wellness activities and promote a culture of well-being.

Ashwani Deswal, the best corporate wellness coach in Pune, offers a wide range of customized workshops that are designed to meet the specific needs and goals of each organization. His holistic approach to wellness, combined with his extensive experience and expertise, makes him the go-to expert for any organization looking to create an effective corporate wellness program.

Investing in employee wellness is an investment in the organization’s success. By partnering with Ashwani Deswal, organizations can create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce, which will ultimately drive the organization’s growth and success. So, don’t wait any longer and reach out to Ashwani Deswal to take your corporate wellness game to the next level!

Why Choose Ashwani Deswal as Your Corporate Wellness Coach?

Ashwani Deswal is a renowned wellness and mindfulness coach in Pune, with over a decade of experience in the field. Ashwani's workshops are designed to help organizations create a culture of wellness, where employees are motivated to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Ashwani's corporate wellness workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization. He takes a holistic approach to wellness and combines yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and other wellness practices to create a comprehensive wellness program. Ashwani's workshops are interactive, engaging, and designed to leave a lasting impact on employees.

Connect with The Most Trusted Life Coach in India - Ashwani Deswal

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Take Your Organization to The Next Level

Keep Your Employees Happy, Healthy & Productive

By training employees to engage in mindfulness practices regularly- companies can maintain a happy and more productive workforce

3 Step Process

Fill the requirement form for training

1. Form : Fill the form given below – click here

2. We call you : On receipt of the form one of our representatives would contact you at scheduled time

We send customize proposal to you

1. On the basis of your inputs shared through the requirement form.

2. And meeting with you on clarity call (telephonic) with our representative – we design tailored made training blueprint for highest impact and result.

3. We send you the Training Proposal with training Fee.

You confirm the training & we deliver

1. Go through the Proposal sent to you on your official email ID.

2. Case 1: All good in the proposal

In reply to email ( proposal sent ) confirm the event from your side.

Case 2: There is /are suggestions / queries

email us or call on +91 9999 791 003

We would send you the revised email and then you may confirm the event on new proposal sent.

3. Then we would send you final email with Date , time of the event along with invoice details.


A Corporate Wellness Coach is a health coach who is brought into the corporate office to help employees improve their overall wellbeing.

A good corporate wellness coach can assist in lowering health-care costs and absenteeism, as well as improving performance and productivity. Helping employees become more engaged in their own health can go a long way toward improving their overall health and well-being.

Mr Ashwani Deswal is known to be the best corporate wellness coach in India. Having personally coached global leaders, CEOs, directors, entreprenuers for more than a decade, he has vast experience in bringing holistic transformation in people’s lives.


Online Training:

All participants must have good internet connection and well versed with whatever software you choose for training.

On Site Training :

1. Good training Room/hall/auditorium as per audience size

2. Projector for presentation , cool environment

3. Mic – if it is larger space and bigger audience

4. You have to arrange for travel and stay ( if applicable)

for more details :

Give us a call on 9999 791 003 or fill the form .One of our representatives will get in touch with you.

Both. We do online as well as Onsite workshops. Share your requirement in the form – click here to schedule a clarity call (telephonic) with our represenative.

or you may call on +91 9999 791 003

Corporate wellbeing program involves various tools such as Mindfulness ,Meditation and other self develpement tools and modalities which help your employees experience relief from stress and anxiety, while helping them to build concentration ,focus and deeper health and vitality.

It’s no mystery that employers today are concerned with their employees’ health. Healthy, happy employees typically generate higher levels of productivity than unhealthy employees, and as a result, more business success. Studies show that employees are more likely to be on the job and performing well when they are in optimal health. Benefits of implementing a wellness program include Improved physical & mental health, common ailments prevention, and a healthier workforce in general. This results in higher productivity, happy work environment, greater employee and client retention, lower health care costs, lower absenteeism, greater employee engagement and higher profits.

Yes, Ashwani Deswal is widely recognized as the best corporate wellness coach in Pune, with a proven track record of helping organizations create effective wellness programs and transform their workforce's well-being.

Ashwani Deswal's workshops are not just about giving information or knowledge. His workshops are designed to create an emotional and transformative experience for the participants. His holistic approach to wellness, combined with his extensive experience and expertise, ensures that the participants are engaged, motivated, and empowered to make positive changes in their lives.

Yes, Ashwani Deswal's workshops are suitable for all types of organizations, irrespective of their size, industry, or location. Whether you are a startup or a multinational corporation, his workshops can be customized to meet your unique needs and goals.

The length of the programs can vary depending on the needs and goals of the company. Ashwani Deswal offers customized programs that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

Any company, big or small, can benefit from a corporate wellness program. These programs can help companies reduce healthcare costs, increase productivity, and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

The costs can vary depending on the specific needs of the company and the type of program selected. However, investing in employee wellness can lead to long-term cost savings and improved business outcomes.

Yes certainly , every company has its own unique needs.

1. Fill the form – click here and then one of our representatives would contact you and assist you to identify which corporate wellness solution may work best for your team.

2. You may call on +91 9999 791 003

Employee turnover is often a result of stress, burnout, or dissatisfaction with the work environment. Ashwani Deswal's workshops can help in reducing employee turnover by improving employee well-being, engagement, and job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to stay with the organization.

Yes, Ashwani Deswal's workshops can be conducted online, making them accessible to employees who work remotely or are geographically dispersed. The online workshops are designed to be interactive and engaging, ensuring that the participants have a similar experience as they would have in an in-person workshop.

You can visit Ashwani Deswal's website or social media pages to learn more about his services and get in touch with him. He offers a free consultation session to understand your organization's needs and goals and suggest the best course of action.


Ashwani Deswal

Ashwani Deswal is one of the best life coach, corporate wellness coach & mindfulness expert in india. He is also the Author of ‘Energize Your Life’ and ‘108 Divine Seeds’.

He is a life coach & has expertise in yog, leadership, NLP, emotional intelligence & many other self development modalities.

Vast experience of helping thousands of people around the world.

For the past 13 years, Ashwani has coached 100 thousand + people from more than 120 countries to unlock their true potential & help them create the desired results in their personal & professional lives.
Plus he has trained hundreds of life coaches, trainers & Mental health experts.

He has personally coached leaders ( CEOS, directors, Scientists, Corporates and many more) from the best companies in the worlds such as Google ,Microsoft , Accenture ,CISCO ,Amazon, Infosys ,TCS, IBM, Deloitte ,SamSung Ernst & Young, Honeywell, JCB, American Express and many more. Mr. Ashwani is a highly energetic leader committed to a life of excellence and self-discovery.