Ashwani Deswal – Best Corporate Trainer | Life Coach and Well-being Expert

An axe forgets what tree remembers

“Men who came to cut tree
had sat in the shadow of itby saying it is too hot nowlets cut it in some time”

Many times- Many of us forget the hands which Nurtured us, Nursed us, Nourished us.

In the glory of what you are gettingyou forget the story of thosewho made you what you areIn pursuit of temporary gainwe Spoil permanent Connections.

“Everytime you enjoy the Fruits Do thank the Roots”

Remember a seed needs an environment (soil, temperature, water ) to come out of earth, grow, transform into a flower and mesmerize the universe with fragrance and beauty. A seed has a potential to be a flower, tree but alone it is not sufficient. Same way we have parents, teachers, mentors, guides, friends, Authors as blessings in our life, as facilitator and catalyst in our journey to our highest potential and possibility. Everytime you move ahead
Everytime you taste SuccessEverytime you grow and expandThank those eyes which saw you growingThank those hands which helped you rise when you fellThank those words which motivated you to keep goingThank the presence which inspired you to be, do, have you have in here and now.
And not only that
We must extend it to all those human beings who are in last years of their life, being rejected, discarded, or disconnected by their own families and loved ones.
They welcomed usThey raised usWe are here because they were there for us.NOW, they NEED us.
You can do it now : Connect with Me for the same divine cause.
They don’t need money, clothesThey just need us withEars which are willing to listenThe eyes which are full of respectThe heart which is ready to Celebratethe presence which is full of Gratitude.Let’s Be there for them.
I thank my Guru, parents, teachers, students, clients, my team and every single Soul I have met and all I will be meeting in future.
For helping me
– loving me For shaping me
– in who I am I bow to the divinity in all of you And I thank you
– yes you for not only reading it but also reflecting and acting on it.

I wish you Grace & Compassion



Ashwani Deswal